Winter Wetland Birding Outing with Jasmine Dingler and Allison Titus at Laguna Environmental Center

December 7, 2019 @ 8:30 pm

| $40
  • This event has passed.
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What do you call a winter wonderland for birds? A wetland! An abundance of different waterfowl migrate for the winter to the Laguna de Santa Rosa, where they can find protective shelter and plenty of open water for feeding. Some of their notable winter migrants include Bufflehead, Ruddy Duck, Eared Grebe, and Green-winged Teals, and we may also spot resident waterfowl such as Great Blue Herons, American White Pelicans and Snowy Egrets. Join naturalist and educator Jasmine Dingler of Point Reyes National Seashore Association and Allison Titus, Laguna Community Education Manager, for a leisurely walk and drive along the Laguna spotting some of their seasonal visitors by eye and ear. Beginning birdwatchers are welcome! They will return to Heron Hall to eat their packed lunches together and make a list of the birds they encountered to round out the day.